Free Balance Assessment
To Schedule an Appointment, Please Contact:
Balanced Rehab Physical Therapy
870 Dunlawton Ave. Suite 209
Port Orange, FL 32127
Fall Risk Screening Program
Balanced Rehab does screening for risk of falling. If you have recently suffered from a fall, there are effective treatment options available.
Facts on falls:
Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths among people 65 years and older.
More than 40% of people hospitalized from a hip fracture do not return home and are uncapable of living independently.
25% of patients over the age of 65 with hip fractures, die within 6 months.
Click below for more information on our balance program using the Biodex Balance System.
Vertigo and The Epley Maneuver
Every year, millions of people in the United States develop vertigo, a spinning sensation in your head that can be very disturbing.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is an inner ear problem that causes short periods of dizziness when your head is moved in certain positions. It is one of the most common types of vertigo.
The most common treatment is called The Epley Maneuver. Balanced Rehab treats vertigo with The Epley Maneuver, and additional exercises.
Click below for full description of BPPV.
Balance and Fall Risk Screening Program

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